Holy Moly!
From some of the crazy, messed up commentary and vile being spewed across the web you'd think America as we know it will be gone in 6 months or so and replaced by total chaos . I'm completely amazed that some folks actually believe this to be true and at the same time believe that if their side had won everything would magically become a bed of roses and we'd all live happily ever after.
So to all you paranoid , crazy, arm chair politicians out there that have bought into and continue to perpetuate all the fear and loathing I say:
Get a job. One that doesn't afford you the time to sit around and tune into every negative thing you can absorb. Quit listening to the crap that's making you crazy - it's rotting your mind. Turn off the TV. Change the radio channel. Get elected and become the change you speak so highly of. But mostly , stop bitching and whining cause it's not getting you anywhere but down.
. . . stepping off my soap box now.